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Where Can I Buy Vivobarefoot Shoes

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Ashley is the cofounder of Smarter Sweat, certified personal trainer and professional health and fitness coach. She also owns Pfancy Fitness, an individualized fitness, nourishment, and lifestyle coaching business where she coaches all of her clients remotely.

Most shoes have a pointed taper towards the end of the shoe. But look at your feet. Are your toes pointed No. Toes should be allowed to splay out, similar to spreading out your fingers. This toe splay allows for all-important stability and spreading of load through the whole foot.

After reading the origins of both companies, the difference that jumps out would be the barefoot focus of Vivobarefoot. And whereas both Altra and Vivo share elements like being zero-drop, flexible, and foot-shaped, the most significant difference is the cushioning level of the two brands.

Research shows that cushioning can increase the impact forces, which puts more stress through our joints! Cushioned shoes allow runners to over-stride and heel strike more often, causing a heavier landing.

The original minimalist shoes designed to let your feet do its thing. Vivobarefoot makes a shoe for every terrain and environment. Its products are the epitome of ancient wisdom with modern technology and the shoes are designed in London, with a sole for every terrain, to live your life barefoot.

Running on aconventional shoe is like strapping a breeze block to your foot, rendering itinert, lifeless, and atrophied. Using barefoot shoes can on the otherhand helpto correct knee and back issues, while also making you instantly more athleticand explosive.

These shoes have an outsole design that lends itself to some pretty easy slippage. If you're on dry roads and paths, you won't notice a thing. But we took these out in the Central Virginia wet season, and we had a couple of weird moments on damp bricks and cobbles. If you've ever lost your footing and almost eaten pavement on bricks before, then you can understand why we had to knock down the score here.

We didn't notice any deterioration over the dozens of miles we put on these, which is comforting. But, you'd have us dumbfounded if, over the course of a season or a typical 500+ mile usage cycle, a shoe didn't show some wear where the toes bend. The mesh design on the Primus Lite leaves a very unnatural fold, and, yes, that fold did translate to some issues with hot spots. In any event, these shoes didn't pick up any real damage in our testing.

Like other offerings from Vivobarefoot, these are some pricey shoes. You'll really want to be sure they are for you before slapping down the credit card. For many of our testers, they aren't quite worth the price, though if you are jonesing for a super-minimalist experience and you find these on sale, they might be worth a gander.

In 2016, I wrote a comparison review between the original Vivobarefoot Lisbon & our Fer v3. I wrote it for 3 reasons. First, to see what I can learn from my peers. Second, to get the word out there that Hey I'm making some barefoot dress shoes that are worth a look. Third, to place the shoes side-by-side, so that Primal Professionals like you can make an informed purchase decision.

Since that review, the Lisbon has lost some aesthetics with a change in sole design, and the Fer has gained some aesthetics with a change in upper design. Rather than doing that comparison, I thought I'd check out the Ra II. (Fun fact: I started designing barefoot dress shoes 8 years ago because I was unsatisfied with the original Ra.)

This was a strange comparison because the 2 shoes, while both technically "barefoot dress shoes", sit on opposite ends of the "barefoot--dress" spectrum, and it's a no-brainer which shoe is on which end.

The next version of our shoes will have a removable footbed as well, but at present our shoes do not. They do have a leather footbed over a thin layer of Poron cushioning. Not only does the Poron make the shoes more comfortable, they also slip around less.

The Fer is made with


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