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[S2E10] No Weddings And A Funeral


[S2E10] No Weddings And A Funeral

Plus, it seemed like Ted Lasso was dipping too often from the well of Rebecca reconnecting with someone from whom she is estranged. Yet without Deborah's earlier appearance, the funeral storyline wouldn't land as well as it does.

Before Ted Lasso Season 2 Episode 9, the Beard and Jane moments at the church would be viewed solely as comic relief. Now there's more emotion to their scenes, and you take them seriously as a couple, even when they share their love for open-casket funerals.

Nate wants to be reincarnated as a tiger so he can ravage people who cross him. He's more concerned with impressing Rebecca than expressing sympathy for her loss. He humiliates himself twice at the funeral. His issues are only getting worse.

Sassy and Nora come for the funeral, but unfortunately, so does Rupert, who brings his wife and baby. But in better news, the entirety of AFC Richmond comes, all in suits and proper shoes, just as team captain Isaac instructed. She is, of course, desperate to connect with Sam, but she can't do it in front of everyone.

Rebecca is waylaid before the funeral by an impromptu hang in a back room of the church that begins with Keeley, then includes Sassy (and some wine), and ultimately includes Nora and Deborah. Keeley and Sassy confront her about their shared suspicion that she's seeing someone, and she admits that it's Sam. The women are all delighted.

The role of "Never Gonna Give You Up" here is interesting. It is, of course, a fun song and an overplayed song, both of which are alluded to in the episode. But because of the phenomenon of Rickrolling, it's also a song you often hear by surprise, which makes it extra appropriate not only for the home video at the end, but also for the funeral singalong. It really is a good song.

The funeral begins, and Rebecca is called upon to give a eulogy that she has no desire to give. Just as she begins, Ted finally slips in the back. With her support team in place, she tries to begin, but she struggles. So, not sure what else to do, she starts to sing "Never Gonna Give You Up." And when she falters in tears, it's Ted who picks it up. And then Keeley joins in, and then Sam, and then the whole church.

Outside after the service, as Rupert is leaving, he does two things. First, he tells Rebecca that he's decided to have his wife give up her shares of Richmond and give them to Rebecca ("like a funeral present," Rebecca says). Second, he leans over and says something into Nate's ear. What did he say What's Rupert doing We don't know yet.

A couple of episodes back, the writers planted the seed that Ted doesn't think it should take a man longer to get dressed than it takes to listen to the song "Easy Lover." And so, as Ted gets ready for the funeral, that's the song he's listening to. It's a nice little callback. But as Ted looks at himself in the mirror, his hands start to shake, and he realizes a panic attack is coming on. So he calls Sharon (whose phone still identifies him as "Coach Lasso," if you're keeping track, but who picks up and calls him "Ted").

Ted reveals to Sharon that he didn't go to his father's funeral, because he hated his father for having "quit on his family." They go on to talk about the elder Lasso, both the good and the bad of his parenting. Ted suggests that his father was basically a good dad, and that if he'd known that about himself, things might have ended differently. Ted also acknowledges that this is the root of his own conviction that you have to always remember people might be in pain; it's part of why he's slow to anger.

Ted asks Sharon for a hug, which she happily offers. "Are you going to charge me for this session" he asks into her shoulder. "Of course I am," she replies. This is when he finally leaves for the funeral, which is why he arrives late.

When the news breaks about Rebecca's dad and folks are chatting in Ted's office, Keeley starts pondering what happens when you die. Roy shares his thoroughl


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