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Adrian Foster
Adrian Foster


A new release of tables from the Digest of Education Statistics provides information on large school districts, teacher characteristics, high school course taking and completion, postsecondary degrees, adult education, and more. More info


The Condition of Education is an annual report to Congress summarizing important developments and trends in the U.S. education system. The report presents 50 indicators on topics ranging from prekindergarten through postsecondary education, as well as labor force outcomes and international comparisons. Discover how you can use the Condition of Education to stay informed about the latest education data.

Browse key indicators on the condition of education in the United States at all levels, from prekindergarten through postsecondary, as well as labor force outcomes and international comparisons. The indicators summarize important developments and trends using the latest statistics, which are updated throughout the year as new data become available.

Overall employment in education, training, and library occupations is projected to grow 7 percent from 2021 to 2031, about as fast as the average for all occupations; this increase is expected to result in about 658,200 new jobs over the decade. In addition to new jobs from growth, opportunities arise from the need to replace workers who leave their occupations permanently. About 929,900 openings each year, on average, are projected to come from growth and replacement needs.

Adult basic and secondary education and ESL (English as a Second Language) teachers instruct adults in fundamental skills, such as reading and speaking English. They also help students earn their high school equivalency credential.

Real-life examples: Elementary schools, high schools, and colleges are institutions focused on education: People are taught important information and life skills at these places. Medical schools, law schools, and driving schools provide more specialized forms of education.

The Connecticut State Department of Education is the administrative arm of the Connecticut State Board of Education. Through leadership, curriculum, research, planning, evaluation, assessment, data analyses and other assistance, the Department helps to ensure equal opportunity and excellence in education for all Connecticut students. The Department is responsible for distributing funds to all Connecticut public school districts.

Developed from a robust engagement effort with educators, school leaders, students, and families across the state, the Due North Education Plan is centered on ensuring every child in Minnesota receives a high-quality education, no matter their race or zip code. To learn more, visit the Due North Education plan page.

Access all the digital education resources from Smithsonian, including Learning Lab, resources for District of Columbia Public Schools, and national resources. (Link goes to the Smithsonian Learning Lab website.)

First-grade teacher Kimberly Pate is 52 and worked for nearly two decades as a classroom assistant. She is a student in the Mississippi Teacher Residency where she'll get a master's degree plus dual certification in elementary and special education, all for free. Imani Khayyam for NPR hide caption

First-grade teacher Kimberly Pate, 52, worked for nearly two decades as a classroom assistant. Through the Mississippi Teacher Residency, she'll earn a master's degree plus dual certification in elementary and special education, all at no cost. "How could you pass that up?" she laughs. Imani Khayyam for NPR hide caption

Additionally, for those who would like to learn more about NOAA and the NWS, the video section features interviews and talks from education experts within the agencies. For those who would like to discover more in-depth information on weather safety, this site includes numerous materials covering all weather hazards.

Informed and empowered by teachers and education support personnel everywhere, we develop tools and strategies that enable us to work across all sectors of education and all regions of the world to effect change and create a better future for our students. Click here to see how we work and find out more about our priorities below.

The Teacher-led Learning Circles for Formative Assessment project aims to provide teachers with tools and support to identify and establish effective teacher-led formative assessment practices that can be disseminated within and across education unions. Research is a key part of the project.

Since Türkiye and Syria were struck on February 6th by a devastating earthquake that left tens of thousands dead and injured, including hundreds of teachers, support staff, academics and other education workers, the Union of Teachers in Northeast Syria (UTNES) and the international education union community via Education international (EI)...

W.E.B. DuBois was right about the problem of the 21st century. The color line divides us still. In recent years, the most visible evidence of this in the public policy arena has been the persistent attack on affirmative action in higher education and employment. From the perspective of many Americans who believe that the vestiges of discrimination have disappeared, affirmative action now provides an unfair advantage to minorities. From the perspective of others who daily experience the consequences of ongoing discrimination, affirmative action is needed to protect opportunities likely to evaporate if an affirmative obligation to act fairly does not exist. And for Americans of all backgrounds, the allocation of opportunity in a society that is becoming ever more dependent on knowledge and education is a source of great anxiety and concern.

The assumptions that undergird this debate miss an important reality: educational outcomes for minority children are much more a function of their unequal access to key educational resources, including skilled teachers and quality curriculum, than they are a function of race. In fact, the U.S. educational system is one of the most unequal in the industrialized world, and students routinely receive dramatically different learning opportunities based on their social status. In contrast to European and Asian nations that fund schools centrally and equally, the wealthiest 10 percent of U.S. school districts spend nearly 10 times more than the poorest 10 percent, and spending ratios of 3 to 1 are common within states. Despite stark differences in funding, teacher quality, curriculum, and class sizes, the prevailing view is that if students do not achieve, it is their own fault. If we are ever to get beyond the problem of the color line, we must confront and address these inequalities.

Since the 1966 Coleman report, Equality of Educational Opportunity, another debate has waged as to whether money makes a difference to educational outcomes. It is certainly possible to spend money ineffectively; however, studies that have developed more sophisticated measures of schooling show how money, properly spent, makes a difference. Over the past 30 years, a large body of research has shown that four factors consistently influence student achievement: all else equal, students perform better if they are educated in smaller schools where they are well known (300 to 500 students is optimal), have smaller class sizes (especially at the elementary level), receive a challenging curriculum, and have more highly qualified teachers.

Ferguson and Duke economist Helen Ladd repeated this analysis in Alabama and again found sizable influences of teacher qualifications and smaller class sizes on achievement gains in math and reading. They found that more of the difference between the high- and low-scoring districts was explained by teacher qualifications and class sizes than by poverty, race, and parent education.

The ACGME Awards Program recognizes notable designated institutional officials, program directors, program coordinators, residents/fellows, and Sponsoring Institutions for their outstanding work and contributions to graduate medical education.

The federal education law provides Kentucky more flexibility and allows the state to design a more effective accountability system that encourages improved learning opportunities, achievement and readiness for all students.

The American Society of Hematology (ASH) is accredited by the Accreditation Council for Continuing Medical Education (ACCME) to provide continuing medical education (CME) for physicians. ASH support hematologists' commitment to lifelong learning through a variety of activities that offer CME credit and maintenance of certification (MOC) points.

This yearlong education and mentoring program for hematology fellows and junior faculty at academic medical centers offers education on clinical research methods, research collaborations, statistical analysis, and managing the demands of family and career.

This yearlong program, which includes a webinar series and in-person workshop, develops future leaders in hematology education by providing a "boot camp" in teaching techniques, medical education scholarship, and career development.

Together with Health Volunteers Overseas (HVO), a nonprofit organization dedicated to improving global health through education, ASH brings invaluable consultation and training to hospitals in low-and middle-income countries. The objective of the program is to develop sustainable improvement in the management of hematology patients at these institutions and to, ultimately, enhance patient care.

Toastmasters' core education program is the Pathways learning experience, offering members 11specialized learning paths with more than 300 unique competencies. Drawing from Pathways principles,the Speechcraft digital experience is a 4- to 8-week program, created for experienced Toastmastersmembers to help non-members jump-start their public speaking and communication skills. Learnmore about Pathways, Speechcraft, and the Youth Programs through their individual tabs on themenu above. 041b061a72


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